Call in with Colin

Win The Day

Colin Wayne Season 1 Episode 10

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Speaker 1:

So it's just your mind. That's all you have to have is the discipline to be structured, hold yourself accountable and whatever the world throws at you, you've gotta be able to take it on the chin and drink water. Drive on rub some dirt in it. Let's go.

Speaker 2:

I got to make it a mate. I got to make it a mix. Well, I got a negative[inaudible]

Speaker 3:

All right. Colin. First question been working with you for enough time for me to say you're one of the most, if not the most disciplined person that I've ever worked with, um, your routine day to day is impeccable. How do you stay in routine and why is it important to stay in routine?

Speaker 1:

So I know routine for me is critical. I think, uh, one of the miss components with most, um, people in general, whether that's like you're a high performer athlete or, uh, the Olympians, right? You look at some of the top fitness Olympians, and it's that discipline that mind, body connection, um, you know, the, the discipline to do it anyways. Um, you know, it's, it's looking at things as this is what I want to accomplish and nothing is going to get in my way to accomplish that. Now let me put things into framed perspective, coming from the fitness modeling industry, um, having to maintain that form of discipline to not even chew freaking a sugar-free bubble gum, like it's that discipline or rice that is completely leveled out and you're counting carbs, counting your calories, everything matters. It's the same thing, no matter what industry you're in or what you're trying to accomplish, all it comes down to is mindset. At the end of the day, it's your mind? Can you have the discipline to hold yourself accountable, to ensure that you hit that goal? Whatever that goal is. So if your goal this year is to generate another 30 or 40%, um, of your revenue, what does that look like for you? Uh, I put that benchmark in place because, um, everybody's going to be at a different level. So if you don't like what you're at right now, ask yourself, what am I doing to change that I am extremely disciplined. And I think one of the tricks to all of this is your body does not know your mind does not know if it's a Monday, Friday, Saturday. Those are just days of the week that we created essentially. So my trick is seven days a week. I keep the same routine and I listen to my body, but 99% of the time I'll beat my alarm clock. And it may not be by much, but that's how I know that I'm literally like where I need to be mind, body connection. When you can have that form of discipline year over year, week over week, month over month, you win the day to the point where your mind is already aware. You're consciously aware of what you want to accomplish while you're sleeping. Think about that. Like, holy, you wake up, beat your alarm clock every day because you're so routined. And you know, so I think like people they take week and Hey, look, I'm an extremist, so don't, you don't have to do what I'm doing. I'm just saying for me, your body has no clue if it's the weekend or Saturday or Sunday. And if you're not where you want to be, what are you doing about it at the end of the day, if you're happy with where you're at, keep doing what you're doing, but for me, like I am a high performer and anything that I put my mind to is I'm going to push boundaries and we're going to move at extreme pace to ensure that that happens. So it's just your mind. That's all you have to have is the discipline to be structured, hold yourself accountable and whatever the world throws at you, you've got to be able to take it on the chin and drink water, drive on rub some dirt in it. Let's go.

Speaker 3:

All right, I'm gonna bring it back to the routine. Uh, going back to your routine, the two to two questions. One is how many hours of sleep do you get and what time do you wake up every day?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so, um, I try to be in bed before 10 and I set my alarm clock for four 30 and I'm usually up, you know, 10, 15 minutes beforehand. So six, six and a half hours. And it's super systematic. Uh, like I said, 99% of the time I'll beat my alarm clock. Uh, but extremely regimented to the point where, um, you know, it's a haircut, same time meetings with some of my leadership, same, same time every day of the week. I've got some, you know, I got my executive assistant, Sean who manages my schedule, um, and everything becomes systematic and routine because it's hard to manage time and it can get away from you. And so I would say Saturdays and Sundays for me are really where I can win and preplan for the week where there's less distractions and noise. Um, whereas Monday through Friday, it's, it's, it's can be chaotic and it's hard to look at things holistically when you're tackled into a hundred different directions. Um, so that's another thing that, that I would recommend to those that are trying to move the needle and move further and accomplish big, big things is to, uh, have time where you can not have distractions from any other outside noise and really just look at what am I doing? What can I do this upcoming week? That's going to win the week and then you have to win the day in order to win the week. And then the window, the week you're going to win the year. If you just keep that same systematic routine and hold yourself accountable.

Speaker 3:

So I just read this real quick on the weekends. Um, oddly, um, you've been coming to work from, from what I seen that you've been there every day, every day, but, um, you don't do anything different.

Speaker 1:

I think when you look at some of the most, uh, influential leaders across like, uh, thought leaders that are moving mountains and became, you know, pioneers in certain industries, they become obsessed and this is all they think about. And it's, it's, um, that's kind of where I'm at is, is I see, I've seen the vision since day one. Um, the clarity was there and now it's just execution and that vision has never died. Its largest skyscraper in the home decor industry, a multi-billion dollar exit transition to an exit, right, uh, create a private equity group. And now that private equity group is vertical audience aligned to women, 45, 65 plus Christian conservatives, married homeowners, acquiring companies or launching companies that fit within that demographic focus. And then as we acquire companies from company a we can seed companies, uh, audiences into E or D or G, um, and all the way back universally, same vertical, uh, focus. And it's kind of like, Hey, this is the next 15, 20 years. This is where it's going to be. But it's, and it's roadmap and I can reverse engineer everything that we're doing behind it. So from founders mastery and what we do in person now, we can use that as a focus group in person where I can get feedback and honest feedback from entrepreneurs that are doing at least a million dollars plus in revenue. So I know where they're at now, millionaire creator, taking content, distributing it from, uh, in-person events. What's working for us that at my business and applying it to different verticals because this will give me the it's giving me the confidence as we speak to all right. We exit for a billion dollars. There's multiple things that just got accomplished. One, I've got an audience list of tens of thousands of business owners in person events like a founders mastery. And at some point millionaire creator I'll be able to, all right, this guy would be an incredible acquisition or maybe I really love the way this entrepreneur is because investing into people is massive. You know, having your digital, Jeff's having, you know, having your Lowe's your, Roland's your, you know, these are your, your core, um, behind, you know, everything that happens. But this is like extreme Ford focused. Um, and just thinking of things outside of the box, knowing where I want to go. Um, so there's no distractions along the way.

Speaker 3:

Okay. This is by always been, has been great. Um, those that are watching right now should Collin do a mindset course common below you feel, uh, if you want to learn more because it's been very insightful. I see this firsthand for me, it was, has been the most motivating thing to work with you because you lead from the front. You it's hard to keep up at your pace, but I love it because it keeps me motivated, keeps me excited, keeps me wanting to do, do more. And uh, I'm always trying to figure out how to call it. I have so much energy, you know? So, uh, but anyways, um, it's your, it's your passion? Like you said, you said instead obsession to, um, see that vision come to reality, that vision, you know, the, the vision that you've had since day one, see it come to reality and you know, being able to have control versus specific things, allows you to understand that you got to execute on what you can control. You know, so I think, uh, you fully understand that and you don't take it for granted.

Speaker 1:

And I think there's another way to look at it to guys, like if you're challenged with something and you're really good at it, imagine everyone else and the impact that it's making for them, because now it becomes market opportunity. So the bet another great way to look at things. Is it just different perspectives? If you are once an incredible media buyer, you're challenged at this point and or if you were very good at email marketing now with iOS 15, having to go through new discoveries, there's new challenges. And that's fun. Like, because if you're challenged with it, there's so many other people that are also challenged that now once you crack the code, you, you have basically the secret sauce to a degree that nobody else may or may not have for a long period of time for an extended period of time. And by the time they get remotely close, you're already 10 miles ahead. So that's fun. I love that just as an entrepreneur, that it's always changing. It's always shifting, you know, since I created my company, there's thousands of other companies that are being created. That just copy basically what we do. And you know, I have people asking me like, oh, what do you think about this? How will they took your design? Like one that's other than like having integrity behind what you do and not stealing people's. I don't have any respect for that, but I'll say this, like none of my, none of my, um, of my team, anybody that works here at red line signs, non-competes I don't believe in it. I love entrepreneurship. If low, low, you want to go and open your own, uh, company and compete against us. I'm all for it, brother. Like, because nobody's going to compete against me because it's me, people buy into people, people buy into the vision behind the founders and what your core values and principles are. So you can be the best marketer in the world. Um, I'm not concerned because I'm just going to stay the path. I'm just going to keep doing my thing. Um, and I'll pull inspiration from different verticals. Um, and I just keep becoming creative. So if you're constantly just like looking at, oh, what is he doing? There's so much behind the scenes that's missed. And um, you know, by the time they get to remotely close to where we're at, I imagine we'll, we'll where we'll be. So there's no competition essentially, like, because it's all within a framing of your mind and you know, it's just going to push boundaries. And I, um, I kind of worked from the dark side where internally, um, there can be a fire that's lit if somebody's kind of like, oh, I like that. This is good. Now I've got a one-up you. And so now it pushes my boundaries further where I don't get complacent. And so

Speaker 3:

The fires you up. Yeah. Yeah. So it can either the most, some people get fired up. Some people get like, down about it. Yeah. You know, when something like that happens. Cause I've, I've heard. I haven't, uh, I haven't heard in details of like stories of exactly what's happened in the past. But like I know some of the people that worked for you started pretty much same or not, if not the same type of company, they pretty much switched the name, but they still ideas. They still design and stuff like that. But, um,

Speaker 1:

I wish them the best of the luck, man, man. Like, cause at the end of the day, you know, they got families and, but there's still like a right and wrong way to do things, you know, creating a company on while you're still, um, salary. There's, there's just integrity behind it that, you know, could easily be a lawsuit, but like it's not work time, effort, energy reward. It's not worth the stressors. And you know, it is what it is at the end of the day.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. And just sorry to cut you off, but like, um, one of the guys, uh, Austin, he's in good terms with you, he launched his own company, not the same, but similar. And you invited him to the mastermind, he stayed at your house this past weekend. So that was beautiful to see for you because you said it like right now, like there's a, there's a right way of doing things obviously. But, um, anyway.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no he's so I embrace entrepreneurship wholeheartedly. Like, um, there's several people within this industry that I'm friends with, the, the, the founders and CEOs and we're not, you know, trading top secrets and all this, but like there's a respect amongst each other, you know? And um, I think that that is important to just trust and bet on yourself at the end of the day and just treat people right. Um, with, with Austin, you know, I would, I'd help him build out funnels and build out his email flows. Like, um, when you care about people it's, it's not, uh, there's no concerns.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

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