Call in with Colin

Truth Social - Donald Trumps New App Is Coming

Colin Wayne Season 1 Episode 18

Truth Social App is Donald Trump's a new app that will launch next year to rival the current social media apps like Twitter and Facebook. Last Year Former President Trump got banned from all platforms. In this episode I talk about the challenges I foresee and the real things we should be paying attention to, the protection of our 1st Amendment.

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© 2021 Uncensored with Colin Wayne  #Truth #TruthSocial #SPAC

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Speaker 1:

This is uncensored. This is unacceptable. And your first amendment rights are at risk on this episode of uncensored, some big news from the big tech scene. Former president, Donald Trump announces his brand new social platform, the truth, true social, essentially. Uh, it is going to take place and be a news outlet as well as a social platform that will get tens of millions of viewers. Now, the biggest challenge that we've seen in historically with anything on the big, big tech side is the amount of censorship. This podcast, this episode is specifically around on censor your first amendment rights, your freedom of speech, uh, not having any part deleted or suppressed. That is your right, but is that happening across the world? My answer is absolutely not. Is it favored to one side or another? Absolutely. So let's backtrack to last year, uh, president Trump at that time had his Twitter and all social platforms totally gone while he was still in presidency is e-commerce store on Shopify was the race deleted. He was shut down from every aspect from AWS is Amazon servers. Um, basically every facet. And now fast forward to this week's announcement of his new social platform. I think we're going to see some overstepping and some big challenges in the future. Again, for context, this is a prediction at the end of the day. Now I'm baselining some of this on historical data. When you look at some of the conservative platforms out there, let's look at parlor how their app was formed in 2018 and currently has over 20 million users. They were shut down after the January 6th riots at the white house, January 8th, apple store, and Google both took them off the app store. Now their reasoning is their reasoning. Does that mean that all the other social platforms didn't play any other part? It's hard to determine. I don't know. I'm going to let you take that educated. Guess what I will say is that when we look at this board right here, truth social, which is coming February 22nd right now is the estimated launch date. So February 22nd, 2022 does. Interesting. 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, maybe another two. I don't know. So these are some of the challenges that I see that are going to take place. Um, the first one I'm going to go ahead and just start right here. Other social platforms, you know, Facebook, Instagram, IgG, Twitter, all of these different, big conglomerates. Um, they're not gonna want him to have a voice at all right. At the end of the day, this is going to be a big, big challenge where they're going to be doing whatever they can to block anybody that shares anything from that platform. I feel very confident that they're going to be, um, uh, shadow banned, I guess, if you will. So I, um, I feel very confident as well that you won't have any direct share feeds directly to those platforms. And let's be fair more than likely true social won't have any direct share feed, uh, back to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, any other platform, um, besides probably a few random ones that, that he feels as necessary. So it's definitely both sides. This isn't a favored left or favored, right? This is only my perception of what I've historically seen. So this is going to be a big challenge, just getting market share at the end of the day, that's fair across all platforms. Um, the next one, I mean, look at like all the media outlets, Lottie, Dottie, everybody, um, CNN, Fox, MSNBC, um, all of these different media outlets are going to have a massive even Fox. Like they're going to have, um, things to say about the truth. Now let me just mention this. This is a big name. I don't like, I, I liked the context behind it, but that also it could be. I mean, imagine if something is not truthful and they find out that it's misled information, that name in itself, I've said it so many times. Your name is all you have at the end of the day. Um, but when you try to operate from a place of integrity, you can't go wrong, but here's the thing there's always a side left or right of the truth. What is the truth? And so there's a lot of perceptions or perspectives that can be inlaid directly in that. So media is going to be a massive challenge. Let's talk about this. Like when he launches this, this platform, if he makes any type of his legal team, I'm sure he's going to have to be buttoned up 100%. Imagine this, if he launches this platform in February and they end up having some type of, uh, you know, you look at the terms and conditions on any of these internet provider, cell phone app stores. And it's, it's a list that's thousands of pages, long. Most people just accept terms and move on. Uh, but if he like literally messes one thing up, there's probably no redemption. He's going to be kicked off immediately. And they're going to look for everything under the sun, um, to try to find that. So that's going to be a massive disadvantage on that side, if we're just playing favoritism left, right? All the other app stores, he's going to be under a very tight microscope servers, internet servers, internet providers, um, like look at, you know, let's look at like even, not even just internet, because that's a massive issue that he's going to have to come into play. Uh, but like AWS and Google servers to house, the millions of people, he's going to have to build his own internal infrastructure for that is if not, you can look at some of these other conservative platforms, they get deleted and taken off. So you're having to create your own ecosystem of everything. I mean like, so AWS, Google, and all he's gonna, he's just gonna have to create his own. That's the only way that this is gonna work search platforms. You know, this goes back to who's the biggest conglomerate out there for search it's Google, right? Um, I mean like yesterday I was trying to find truth, social, and I know SEO can take awhile, but usually breaking news, something that's trending well will populate at the top. It's hard to find what's even taking place. So before there's even a launch, they're silencing already, you look at anything trending or breaking news, it's going to be at the top you search. Um, and it's, it's, it's not necessarily like highlighted. It's not, there's not a ton of different articles now. You'll probably say, well, truth, social, um, president Trump. That's a lot of key words. It could go in a lot of different directions. I agree to disagree. I would say if I were to look up, uh, let's go, Brandon, that's going to pop up. And there's a lot of key words of let's go, Brandon. Um, but using that same terminology, truth, social Donald Trump, same thing it's going to be, I don't know if that analogy makes sense, but that's, that's how I look at it. It should be at the top and it should be. So we already see some flags around what's happening on silencing through search platforms, big tech, um, and look at all of the, basically all the owners of all these different platforms. Um, it's going to make an extremely challenging for him, um, to overcome if he gets kicked off of, uh, let's say the app store for Google and apple, what's going to happen. Anybody with an Android, anyone with an iPhone, isn't going to be allowed to use his app. What's the work arounds. That's tough. Have to create your own phone, create your own ecosystem. Maybe that's what he's going to do. He's a multi-billionaire, I'm sure he could do it. That's going to take some time February to now, which is only like four months away. Isn't long. So, but I'm sure this has been in the works for awhile. And we've heard, uh, for, I don't even know about a year or so that he's coming out with his own platform. So that that buzz has been around for awhile. So the biggest concerns that I have is just the amount of censorship and the overstepping, looking at all of the different areas. If this were to happen, what's going to also take place. So looking at, if he gets kicked off of the internet, you got to create his own. If he gets kicked off of a, uh, an app store. So you have to create his own phone with his own app store, with his own internet provider, with his own server, with his own payment gateway, with his own servers, with his own social platform, just to have a reach, just to be able to voice what he wants without the control of everyone else, without overstepping, without the censorship, you see where I'm going with this. That's a scary place to be when you have that type of controlled measures in place where your voice can be, that silenced, that's a scary place to be. And let's just pretend that he creates all of these things, his own cell phone, his own internet, his own server, his own social platform, his own news outlet. That's also a part of the truth because it's a two facet, one social one's news. Um, what happens at that point? Now he controls all of that. This is the scarier part that I swear to God I can see. And I wouldn't have believed this three or four years ago. This is where they say, you're not allowed in the United States. This is banned. And he does all of this stuff for nothing. This is extremely concerning. As a prior service army combat veteran, who fought for this nation's rights, your amendments, your first amendment rights, it's a scary place to be. And I see it becoming even worse. And how massively growing and scaling in the divide across this nation. It's, it's a, um, it's disheartening, especially when people have that type of power, much higher powers than just the government. And when someone can play that upper hand and enforce it from a legislative measure and say this app, even if you're allowed to do it here, or you're not allowed to share all of these are exed out and he finds work arounds, he builds his own. All of these. This is where the final straw is. He was in government. His own voice was shut down. He couldn't even have, he couldn't even like, this is, this is the most concerning part. He can't even control his own destiny because of the overstepping within all of these barriers. And it'll start with one or two different things. And then over time, if he builds all of these ecosystem plays around his own, this will be his final straw. And then what, what do you do when your own people turn against you when this nation's divided? And you, I mean, like for me, I want to be stuck in the middle. I don't want to play to this side, this side, you know, at the end of the day, that's a scary part to be, it turns into a civil war. This is uncensored. This is unacceptable. And your first amendment rights are at risk.

Speaker 2:
