Call in with Colin

How To Find Your Why with Victor Ortiz

Colin Wayne Season 1 Episode 19

In todays episode we have Boxing Champ Victor Ortiz calling in from his home in Venice,  California. Victor Ortiz is one of the most electrifying boxers in modern history. He is known as a brawler combined with speed and power. He is a crowd favorite, winning the 2011 Ring Magazine Fight of the Year. He was formerly rated as one of the world's top three active welterweights by most sporting news and boxing websites, including The Ring magazine and ESPN. In 2011 he beat Andre Berto for the WBC Welterweight title. You may also know him for his Acting role in The Expendables 3 and Dancing with Stars Season 16.In this episode we are going to go deep into motivation, mindset, finding your WHY ….. and how to persevere through the lows of life. This is going to be an epic conversation. 

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Speaker 1:

And it wasn't until I had a very interesting conversation with God himself. I know people think I'm crazy for this. I mean, I do fight for a living. I get punched. You think all you want, God came down. Like he said to me, at 33, I come down from my kingdom to get your attention.

Speaker 2:

I got to make it a mix. I got to make it a mix. Well, I get a negative[inaudible]

Speaker 3:

Hello and welcome to the corner of a cotton show where you get to call in from anywhere in the world and ask Colin or talk to Cod. And about anything that you want. In today's episode, we have the chap, Victor, or calling him from his home in California. Victor is one of the most electrifying boxers in modern history, and he is known as a broader combined with speed and power. He's a crowd favorite winning the 2011 ring magazine fight of the year. And he was formally rated as one of the top three, Walter rate's active Walter Weeks by both ring magazine and ESPN in 2011, Victor beat Andre Berto for the WBC Walter way title. And you may also know him for his acting role in the Expendables three and dancing with the stars season 16, he has this, guy's got moves in this episode. We are going to go deep into motivation mindset, finding your why, and how to pursue your through the nose of life. This is going to be an epic conversation jam. Welcome to the show.

Speaker 1:

What exactly made you become or want to become an entrepreneur?

Speaker 4:

Yeah. Great question. So dude, so unlike you, Victor, I've, I've got a family love my family and I was looking long-term. I wanted to look at like, um, what's going to happen because at this point I was military and then I transitioned after Afghanistan getting blown up. My son was six months old, almost got killed, transitioned into fitness, modeling, fitness modeling, traveling the world. And I ended up, um, just looking at things differently. I looked at it like, I'm I, what does the future look like? Um, long-term and I wanted to make sure that my son and now my future kids are taken care of. So entrepreneurship for me is super important because I control my destiny. I don't let others control me, you know, and, and me, I, I thrive under pressure. Uh, just like our steels made from the air that we're breathing in, converting it from oxygen into nitrogen, through high chamber tanks, low chamber tanks. And, you know, that's, it's, it's for me, like I have the most control when I'm directly impacted by it. And I can, I can ensure to a degree that my family's taken care of because it's my form of control as an entrepreneur. And so I would say my family is a big driving factor behind getting started to begin with and just challenges in general. I love being challenged to take on any industry and just, you know, try to dominate it. What about you? What, what makes you tick in the morning? Like what what's that champion mindset to get in the ring? Like, I'm super curious on that.

Speaker 1:

For me, it's been an interesting, crazy rollercoaster journey. Um, I first off will start off with, with the census of kids, right? I never thought I'd be a dad, let alone a hell of a dad. I'm a great father. And, uh, I guess it was something that I didn't have. And I make sure that no matter what, whether it's a little hug, little kissing go hit him, saw, give him a kiss wherever. I mean, I I'm the protector right to my little voice. I'm their, their provider. I mean shoot anything and everything. They will always have me there. So with that being said, so it's really a 16 year old, you know, uh, that was hungry and ambitious with, with nothing, no parents, no, no food, no nothing. It was all about me, me, me, me, 17 years old, I become this, this kid that's filled with a lot of hurt, a lot of anger. And I'm just like, you know what, no, I was releasing it on the guy across the ring from me. So all this craziness, all this madness was channeled directly and for boxing. And that allowed me to make a name that allowed me to make a lot of money that allowed me to make all this stuff. But then when I got to the top, it was kind of like at the top of the peak, but what do you go now? You know, so I didn't have direction. I didn't have direction. I was 21 years old, 22 years old making millions now. And I'm on top of the world. And I was just like, I'm still looking down when now I forgot what Victor Ortiz was. I forgot why I was why I am at the time. So I lost myself for a long time, but God is very good. And he's great in the sense of this. I ran from God for many years. I hid from him. I forgot who gave me everything. I beginning to. I mean, yeah, my parents left me, but he gave me protection. He gave me somewhere to stay. He gave me everything and I took that for granted. And I forgot once I made all this money and I just, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, and then to make all this, to do all this positivity for and my life. That's all that kept me going. But then, like I said, at the top, I was by myself looking down, like, I don't even know who I am anymore. So,

Speaker 4:

So what, what does that look like for you, Victor? Like, like that inner peace, because I I've been there as well, so I can relate to a degree, um, obviously totally different verticals, but like, you know, landing 50 plus magazine covers and two and a half years. So two to three covers a month. Um, I was looking at like, what is next? Like, you've hit that pinnacle and you just, you soul search. But, um, I was truly not happy with me. And, and even though, you know, I was making good money, not like your type of money at that time, but 30, 40 grand. And I was only 24, 25 years old, uh, posting on social media as an early influencer back in 2012 and 13. Like, like I didn't, I didn't feel like there was enough calling. I didn't know what was next. And so I wasn't happy. Um, and, and I was just soul searching, trying to figure out what, what is next? Um, is that something that you kind of felt where it's kind of like a inner peace type? What do I do of I'm already at this?

Speaker 1:

Because through all this craziness of my life, something really ugly, tragic and beautiful happened to actually make me that much hungrier, make me aware, make me poison what I do, right? The sense of this. It made me appreciate now because I was now a father. Um, so being a dad, um, I never thought that I could, could, or would be this amazing father to my boys and unconditionally, but now I had a Y. So I understood that. I'm like, oh man, this is what that feels like. So to do things, not for me, but for those that you love for me, it's these two little guys. And it wasn't until I had a very interesting conversation with God himself. I know people think I'm crazy for this. I mean, I do fight for a living and get punched. Think all you want, God came down. Like he said to me at 33, I come down from my kingdom to get your attention. So it was interesting. I cried so loud and people probably thought I was crazy. I mean, who knows? Maybe I am crazy, but regardless, um, it gave me two beautiful blessings from what he said. And with those blessings, he had to, uh, pretty much make me realize and come to the realization that it's, he, who gave me everything. And I just, I forgot. So no matter what, bro, whatever I do now, I don't do it for me now. I mean, obviously I have to take care of myself. I have to prep correctly and whatnot. And um, well that's for them, bro. The motivation behind all of this is Royal and Malakai. Without those two little guys, I don't know who knows. Maybe I would have been right next to my, one of my best friends who may rest in peace. Now it took his own life, um, a year ago, which is the night that I fought three weeks ago. I had a, a picture of, uh, Benjamin storm Keokuk, which is Lisa Marie Presley's son. I had a halo put on him and uh, it was a beautiful, he's like, it's a picture that he and I took together. We were at this, uh, where, where they meet the movie grommet, uh, the claymations and uh, he's looking up like this at this Claymation. And I was looking at it too. So I chopped that picture up. Then I had my boy put wings on it and a halo on him and then we put it on my suit, my trunks. And it was, it was awesome. So actually that's a gift for Lisa Marie pressing. Now it's all bloody though. So kind of feel a little bad. You put it on a mannequin and I told her I had a gift for her, so that's hers and that was the baby. So

Speaker 4:

Yes. Yep. And I'm with you man. That's that when you have that, why it's so it's so powerful. My why isn't only my kids, but you know, being an entrepreneur, having a hundred plus employees for me, ensuring that their families are also taking care of because you know, looking at like things differently, it's not about me. There's a bigger picture. And I'm curious, you know, you've, you've been at the very, very top. What does that, what does that look like for, for like a next steps? What do you do? I know you transitioned into movies, um, and acting in several different, you know, big movies. Uh, but, but what is next? What does that kind of look like once you're a champion of this? Are you wanting to take on different areas and just dominate that?

Speaker 1:

What is next for me is a census of this. I now know that I have two little baby boys who depend solely on me and their father. I'm their hero. I'm their, I mean, I'm their Spider-Man Spider-Man, I'm like I it's broken right now then, but sometimes regardless though, um, no, bro, I made a promise to my boys. My baby boys I'll be champion again. So I I'm still young think, thank the Lord. I'm still young. I'm 34 years old. And uh, I promised him them. I have a decade in me, but be healthy and uh, get back to the top. I mean this, this fight that we had recently wasn't that I didn't feel my greatest. I'd been out of the ring in three and a half years due to personal, crazy stuff that I ran into along the way, but uh, clear my path. So mentally and emotionally, I went to, I went into this fight knowing, knowing well that I was already, I already had my shoulders filled with so much and I, I was carrying this heavy, heavy load and I still went 10 rounds. I was sliced open and Hey man, we went to the whole 10 rounds. I didn't my, my personal opinion. I didn't look my best. I didn't look like Victor Ortiz that we know I didn't perform at the best that I know I'm capable of performing, but Hey, ultimately we went out there for the fans. We had a time Robert and I, um, you know, w we're good. Um, he's a good, good human. So at the end of the day, it's just, that's the sport man. So we're here for a whole decade, man. I made that promise to my sons, but if there's something else going on, like a movie or something that not, not to lesser movies, but I'm just, I don't know, mentally, I'm not nine to the movies, man. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

W what is a training day look like for you? Like when you're, when you're preparing for a fight, what does that look like? Are you like getting up at, like, I think of Rocky,

Speaker 1:

What does that look like? Early bird man? Uh, three 30 in the morning. It's myself and I get the nephews. Hey, you know, this is good. So going, oh, it's up to you. I'm like, yep. Let's go. So three 30 in the morning, we're up gearing up or out the door. We're done running by about four 30 ish, four 40 ish after our run, uh, they'll take a little bit of a nap. Sometimes I just can't sleep. So I'll just stay up and just watch a video, a boxing video, um, or just other fighters trainers to see what, what they learned from'em and whatnot. And then I'll go to the gym at nine with coach Freddie Roach, and then coach Freddie Roach just takes it from there, tortures me for another couple of hours and then a strength. The conditioning will be every other day. So it gets, it gets a little rough man. That's from weights to a man, the ropes to, uh, I mean, you, you know, the training resumes are there, there are gnarly man

Speaker 4:

Taxing, like having to fight and weight classes with the, uh, you know, having to make sure that you hit wait, is that, is that like a big challenge?

Speaker 1:

I had never in my career had problems with losing weight until this last fight that I had in 18 years of being a professional athlete, professional boxer never missed weight. I missed weight by one pound. That that to me in itself was demoralizing to me because 161 fights as an amateur. And then now about 46 fights as a pro. And I missed weight first time ever. And man that, uh, that had a little bit of a mental, mental mess, mental messing with me a little bit. But, uh, I put it behind me because I said, dude, you've been out of the ring for, for four years and some change. Yeah. A set. Uh, you've been going through some crazy mental warfare from what you went through with the allegations to, to, uh, your baby's mom fighting for custody. Like, come on. Do you give yourself a little credit? Yeah, I did give myself a little credit. It's just, you know, like Kobe Bryant used to say, you are your own worst critic, you know, it's true. It's true. I mean, I'm very harsh on my criticism because I know in my performance, I didn't do my greatest. I did enough to win the fight, which I thought personally that's my personal opinion, but we went to distance. I got ahead, buddy, rip my open and then leading everywhere, which didn't really matter. But it was two, two guys going at it in the end going pretty harsh. But I still thought I pulled it off by a little bit. But man, you could say people have their opinions. I have mine, you know, so yeah. That's that man.

Speaker 4:

So what is, uh, a meal? Like what does that look like when you're, when you're this close? Let's say a day to two days out and you're like, I don't know if I'm going to make weight. Do you just not eat? What I mean, do you have to do like saran wrap? I'm just trying to put my mind and

Speaker 1:

Um, that particular, this particular time around, like I said, um, oh man, it was, it was torture because it was already hot. Cause if I was in Vegas, I was out running in sauna suits, speeding, no drinking water. Um, and the water that you do drink is distilled. It's got no nutrients in it. Um, and then the foods I actually, the last couple of days, I had to cut down at only shakes throughout the days. So I had like my magic bullet and I have all the vegetables needed and make my, my stuff with distilled water. And it was horrible, man, but you know what, that's not going to happen again because we started the diets now, now, now, now, so, uh, we can come down correctly now,

Speaker 4:

You know, w w do you have a next fight picked out or do you have like a wishlist?

Speaker 1:

I think November 6th, from what I was hearing, not really talking about that, but,

Speaker 4:

Well, since you dropped that bomb, you want to say who it's with.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Sorry. But you know what, uh, I'm thankful though that, you know, I'm, I'm healthy, I'm young, I'm young enough. So that's why when I, when I see you, when I looked at your profile and stuff, not that I'm creepy, but, uh, when I, when I look at your stuff, I'm like, I admire what you do, what you've done and how amazing you are a person to your wife and your kids. That's freaking awesome, man. And that's what I want down the line. And actual, you know, a woman who loves me for me, um, not, not the fighter, not the, not the athlete, just me, the Kansas kid inside and who can compliment me, who can boost me. I boost her, she boosts me. Like, I that's what I seen you. You, you guys are like a power couple man. That's what I want down the line. But at this point in time, I will focus on my two little boys and, uh, being the champion undisputed,

Speaker 4:

Love it. So I got one last question for you, Victor. Um, and, and I feel like I already know the answer of this, but I'd love to hear it. Uh, if you were to die tomorrow, what do you want to be remembered for publicly?

Speaker 1:

The greatest father is my little big voice.

Speaker 4:

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