Call in with Colin

How I Built Bang Energy - Jack Owoc CEO of Bang Energy

Colin Wayne Season 1 Episode 20

Welcome to a special episode of the Call in With Colin Show, Im personally calling this episode, David vs Goliath. You are about to listen to a powerful conversation between Colin Wayne and Jack Owoc the CEO and founder of Bang Energy,  In the last couple of years Bang Energy has become the most popular energy drink in the US, a true David vs Goliath story. I’d be surprised if you aren’t drinking one right now as your listening to this. Bang Energy disrupted the market by making a higher quality energy drink and introducing over 30 original flavors, along with many other variations to each. 

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In the simplest way, it’s a Q&A show meant to provide as much value to the viewers as possible. This is a way for Colin to give back to his community in the most scalable way. The show is meant to share direct one-to-one answers to questions on a wide range of topics. Participants will Call in virtually and have a one on one conversation with Colin.

Call in with Colin Topics: Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Email/SMS Marketing, Lifestyle, Fitness, Goal Setting, Mindset, Leadership, Cars, Military, Personal Branding, Making Money Online, and pretty much anything else. Colin is able to provide value based on a lifetime of building a successful "boot strapped 9 figure company, becoming a Staff Sergeant (E6) while serving in the US Military with 3 Combat Tours of Duty (Egypt, Iraq, and Afghanistan, becoming a successful Fitness Model with over 50+ Magazine Covers, among many others.

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Speaker 1:

And I don't even care if you put this out there and Instagram sees it because this is how we're going to blast them into submission, call it.

Speaker 2:

I got to make it a mix. I got to make it a mix. I got a negative mega man.

Speaker 3:

Welcome to a special episode of the column with Colin show. I'm personally calling this episode, David versus Goliath. You're about to listen to a powerful conversation between Kahnawake and Jack.[inaudible] the CEO and founder of bang energy. And the last couple of years, bank energy has become the most popular energy drink in the U S a true David versus Goliath story. I'd be surprised if you aren't drinking one right now, as we're listening to this bang energy, disrupted the market by making a higher quality energy drink and introducing the over 30 or original flavors along with many other variations to their lineup. Jack and cotton had been friends for about 10 years. And let me tell you each time these two get together, magic happens this cup, this conversation, your bottle, listen to goes deep in the mind of Jack his faith, his process of creating great products, adapting to change, being ready for when the opportunity comes and his winning mindset that is summed up by four words, discipline effort, sacrifice and study. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome Jack, oh, walk to the show.

Speaker 1:

Research and development never stops. And so whether we're in a meeting with Pepsi multi-billion dollar player, fortune 44, uh, Anheuser, Busch, whatever research and development never stops. Multi-billion dollar companies. And so Dr. Lee just arrived that we really aren't doing samples. We do this twice a day. So if I get ahead of myself a little bit, because, uh, I'm approaching a thousand milligrams of caffeine, you could just, you could slow the footage down at the end. Usually I talk slow, but when I'm on a thousand MIGS, it comes up a little bit,

Speaker 4:

Uh, what happens at that point? Like have you, cause I'm sure you built up such a tolerance, like from taking samples. I know when, when I was there working out with you, we took several and it was the final test and you signed off on it and, uh, and you said this one was going to go into production.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So, so the great thing is, is like, if you're, if you're about to train or you're training and Dr. Lee and the staff brings over samples, it's good. But if you're sitting still, it gets a little, you know, and reminds me of the days, like back in the day I used to play in my store, we would play chess. Right. And we'd be on a federal caffeine. That was the stack back then. And you'd be playing for four hours and you'd just be all tightened up. Cause you're overstimulated and you're not moving. Um, caffeine is great, but it's, uh, I don't like it too much if you're sitting still, it's a central nervous stimulant. So you got to kind of be moving. Otherwise it makes it tense. So we're doing all kinds of experiments, all kinds of new science and everything like that. And, um, this, uh, the lab will bring some samples wherever I am. Even if it's onstage, we do it. I'm doing a live broadcast for Kroger. Two days ago, lab people come up on stage lab coats. And we tell if we take the samples and, uh, you know, that's kind of showy, but it's still, we do it every day. And that's what makes us great is I tell people, you have to have a combination of discipline effort, sacrifice and study nobody nowadays, this younger generation, there is no discipline. There is no sacrifice. There's no study. They have this mindset think big, right? Think big. And I want to be at the top of the mountain, but I don't want to do what it takes to get there. And it's such an insane thing that kind of perseverates on Instagram and other social media about thinking big for these, uh, gen Z and young millennials. But you can think as big as you want, but you got to put in the discipline effort, sacrifice and study, and then don't want to do that. And life will make you do that. God will do that. You'll get beat up and beat down until God has you where he wants you to be and what he wanted you to learn so that he can give you what you, uh, the desires of your heart. So that's my belief. Anyhow, I know the rest of the world believes differently

Speaker 4:

A hundred percent. So Jack would that being said like, you know, you've you, you caused market disruption. You forced people that were extremely like the exact same year over year, over year, like boring monster drinks. They only had one flavor, two flavors, that's it. You came in and disrupted it and forced them to do something. And you pioneered this space in my opinion. Um, so, you know, you talk about constantly trying to propel, move the needle, um, disciplined to move forward. Always thinking ahead. I know when I was there, uh, working out with you in Florida, um, you mentioned you are already six months or maybe it was nine months ahead. Um, and you knew every say, or maybe it was 18 months. I don't even know you. I can't remember, but I knew it was like an, uh, very, very far schedule where you already had everything predicted out. So

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So what we do is, um, you know, I think Oprah said something like the comment and you could probably correct me better, um, uh, success or something is when opportunity meets whatever, but that's the mindset, right? You have to be ready ahead of time so that when the opportunity comes, Hey, you're ready. Interesting thing happened. Um, yes. W w when was it Dr. Lee? Two days ago, we were doing a presentation to Kroger. Um, and we're working on this new product launch, very, very cool product. And we're about 85% done, uh, Kroger because of market conditions. I can't tell too much, but they now want this products not on the market yet. We'd been working on it. No one's ever tasted it. We showed them the labels in the presentation. They ordered 70,000 cases, 570,000 cases, but that's because people trust us over 28 years to bring in the right product. Cutting-edge flavor, cutting-edge product over and over and over again. And once you do it, people were conditioned and it was always Europa, GNC, and vitamin shop, right? You rope as biggest persecution distributor in the world. Vitamin shop and GNC are the two, the world's largest, uh, health food retailers, number one, the number two spot. And so we conditioned them and they said, look, we don't care what you're coming out with. We know it's going to be great. We want it ahead of time. We want to be first. Well, now that transitions into a whole different marketplace, the bigger market, like Kroger that does 125 billion in sales. Second, only to Walmart. And now they want 560 570,000 cases on a product that's going to, uh, we're going to be produced in it, um, in the third week, next month. So super excited. But again, uh, you just can't jump to the top of the mountain. This was 28 years of being ready and being ahead of the game, discipline effort, sacrifice and study. And then, you know, then those opportunities happen. They're not just gonna happen for some 20 year old that didn't put in the time and everything. And if they do achieve success early, it's almost like a curse because then that success, whether it's an athlete or whatever goes away. And then where are you, right? Where is this athlete? Whether he made, like, let's say at four great years in the NFL, that success was early, and then he hadn't cultivated anything else other than like playing basketball or football. Where is that person now? Or they were at the top of the mountain. Now they're at the bottom. And so, again, it's this cold cultivating all this stuff ahead of time and just continuous education and everything. I know you believe in that car

Speaker 4:

A hundred percent. Yes, sir. So I'm, I'm curious with, with, you're always looking ahead mindset when you're pioneering, everything that you're doing. Um, what do you, what is your thoughts on like, um, you know, Facebook just announced this past week, it's renaming, but it's going towards like a, a digital ecosystem. Um, and it's going to totally change the way the future has been. If you look over the past 10, 15 years, we've transformed as a society and across the world because of technology. Um, are there any thoughts or comments on, um, the way technology's evolving and the way that, uh, we can align with that?

Speaker 1:

The only ecosystem I'm interested in is the real ecosystem and the environment for tonight. We're going fishing for Tarpon Scientificky. Um, I, I don't know what the hell you talking about calling. I love you fake book. I don't pay attention. You're doing it's. Everything on there is fake. I, uh, instead of letting Facebook and Twitter cancel me, I canceled them a long time ago. Um, they just, they got no game. Uh they're anti-American they censor everything. Uh, got no time for it. Uh it's it's old school it's based on an old school technology that they constantly bandaid. Um, maybe you can explain what you're trying to explain, because I have no idea, but frankly, uh, I don't even care, but if it's something I need to know, please tell me.

Speaker 4:

Well, it's, I think it's just relevant, especially with art, you know, the way that I interact with my consumers, just a lot like yours, we're not in the B2B space, but direct to consumer through social platforms is extremely, um, I can't, I wish it was that simple. I could just, you know, decompress go over here and not associate. Um, but everything you said, I'm a hundred percent in alignment with, which is why, like, you know, president Trump announced this week, his own social platform, which is really unique. Um, a little, we talked about it this morning. Um, concerns of what can actually happen, looking at it from like two years ago or 18 months ago, you know, being he's currently serving now, he's kicked off, um, all of social platforms, AWS servers, Shopify kicked them off. And you look at all of these different areas of technology and big tech and the censorship behind it. It's a massive concern.

Speaker 1:

I already thought this out. Believe it or not. So one of the things, right, we're dominant on social media, 2.9 billion followers on social media, under our influencer network of about a thousand influencers. And then if you, if one of you could do this right now, type in hashtag bang energy on Tik TOK, and we have 15.4 billion views, but by the time you type it in, we may have more because we go up a hundred to 200 million every week, right? Hashtag bang energy. And so the interesting thing we've done is, look, we don't want to be censored or anything like that. We're dominant on social media. We've been working on our own apps, spending millions of dollars. First company failed. They couldn't live up to our expectations because bigger, bolder, more brilliant. We say, sometimes you say bigger, bolder, more bad. So, uh, then what's, uh, competitive out there. So right. You have to have your own servers. Right? We learned that from partner, they got shut down because they were on, I think Amazon servers, then you, but, but the problem with president Trump or anybody else tries to do this, there's one other thing that everybody overlooks that they don't want to look at because it's too daunting. You have to develop your own iOS, some bad-ass software. So what we're doing is looking at developing a blockchain operating system. That's far more advanced than what Facebook and Instagram and Twitter run on. It's the future. And so you, that's another thing you have to have. No one wants to do it though, right? It's oh, I want my own platform. Good luck. Because apple just cancel you or you, or you could build all this out. And then, so then you have to have your own phones, right? So we're working on phones that are a Linux operating system where everybody contributes and it's a daunting task, but you can't point if the next guy go, he's got to do it. She's got to do it. No, you gotta do it. You gotta do it. Uh, and again, I was strong belief in God. And God always say, whenever there's a problem, God says, Hey, someone was born and something happened. And you know, the David and Goliath story, I love it. And so somebody's got to go out there and slay the giant, you can't point the finger. And so we thought a lot about this. And so, um, that's what we're currently working on. So, but again, it's a daunting task. I don't know if we'll be successful, but biblically God, everybody, every single person, as long as they took the first step in faith, God worked, God work. We've took many steps and allow God to work. Cause there's a lot of it I don't understand or know. And you need key individuals to come on in the world to do this. But, uh, it has nothing to do with political. It's just Trump Biden. Whomever is just creating a form of free speech, a novel concept, right? It's America, um, could just create this form that everybody can operate on and speak freely. I don't care whether it's the Taliban Biden or Trump. Everybody's got a voice it's America, nobody's censored. And the other thing we're going to do, and I don't even care if you put this out there and Instagram sees it because this is how we're going to blast them into submission. They sensor everybody. They demonetize you, whether they like you or not, you're de monetized because they want you to pay to advertise. They hate when somebody has a relationship with a superstar like Colin and Colin getting paid directly by somebody in they're getting, they're not getting any of the money. So on ours, it's going to be different because all the influencers were going to say, Hey, we're not shadow banning you. We are not manipulating the algorithms so that people can't see your posts. In fact, we're doing the opposite. We want everybody to see your posts. And the idea is if you're an influencer and Zuckerberg has only 7% of the people seeing your posts and now a hundred percent can see them. And it's a fair game for everybody. And you can make a what's seven divided by a hundred. You can make, you know, like 15 times more money, where is the influencer going to spend their time and where the influencer goes? Everybody else travels. So, yes, I thought this out. I thank goodness. I'm on 962 milligrams and I can articulate it to you guys. It's in my mind, it's simple. All the blockchain, the operating system, everything like that. Uh, but it's, it's a daunting task to undertake and you have to attract the right people. And who knows by this podcast, maybe we'll have some people reach out to us.

Speaker 4:

What's the, what's the name of the app? Have you thought about, uh, what you're going to call it yet?

Speaker 1:

It's called the fix to exits and the reason it's called the fix, it's, it's the fix for everything that's wrong that everybody hates about current social media. Instagram is super boring. I'm tired of it and everybody's tired of it, but there's no alternative. Everybody's trying to getting shadow banned D monetized, manipulated algorithms, um, uh, suppressing free speech. It's. So I know instinctively, everyone's going to jump over and how do you disempower all the current, uh, people that are in power in social media, you just create a platform. And once everybody goes there, they have no power. So I'm really big on this, uh, super pro American. I believe that every country should believe their countries, the grade and put into it. And, uh, it's just, it's, it's just really sickening to all of these forces that are coming against America and going against America, such a great country, uh, represents the greatest freedom of all time. And, um, that's I want to promote,

Speaker 4:

I love it, Jack and I, I believe in you, you've, you've done so much. I'm extremely proud as if you were, you know, my own dad. Um, but just seeing what you've been able to do and accomplish, and, you know, we've known each other for almost a decade now coming from the fitness space and hell I named my company after, after you and I was drinking a bang energy drink. And it said from the creators of red line energy, and I think I told you that story, uh, in person, but like,

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a huge honor. Thank you.

Speaker 4:

Uh, I think one more thing to your point that I'm concerned about even for, uh, your platform is when it disrupts a market that's already in place. And let's just say that you've got your own operating system iOS, you've got your own, um, servers. You've got everything currency, um, for merchant processing. So they don't shut you down that way. I think it escalates all the way to the point where legislative gets passed and they block you within the United States or other countries. And so I could see that happening possibly with yours, but like president former president Trump's app coming out, he asked to create all of these ecosystem plays just like what you were mentioning, but it goes all the way to that point. And now they see it as a threat. What can they do literally block, like they were going to do that with tic talk, uh, because the China and the United States. So,

Speaker 1:

But that absolutely, uh, forces are always going to come against you. Look, we're in 68 lawsuits right now, uh, five, four or five lawsuits with monster Pepsi. Pepsi's a fortune 44 company. I say, bring it because the bigger your giants, when you slay those giants, the bigger your destiny. So of course they're going to come and get us. Everybody wants to keep the status quo. Even if, even if it wasn't this anti America on political stuff or whatever, uh, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter would still come against you, right? You are competitive. They're going to do everything in their power to put you out of business. That's fair game, right? Uh, drug dealers kill you and they try to crush you, uh, in other ways, but it's going to, of course, it's going to happen, but you gotta be willing to accept it and willing to fight the fight. And nobody is right. Uh there's uh, there's just a lack of, um, uh, I want to say a word, but I don't want to say on your Testosterone, it's just a lack of it out there. And it's because of every everything we're eating and not eating and the garbage we're eating and then have super low testosterone levels. And many of them have become wimpy. And it's, uh, his kind of sad, uh, our food supply is poisoning in us. And I mean, I had a great talk with this really cutting edge scientists earlier in the day, and we're just getting sicker and sicker. And so our ability to fight is non-existent and that's how they want us to be. You know? So, uh, you know, men do great things and men are warriors. They need to stay that way. So

Speaker 4:

A hundred percent, what is your thoughts on a supply chain and what's happening right now across the nation? Is D do you feel like, I know as a manufacturer, you're a manufacturer, um, and obviously you're on a much larger scale, but like, do you feel like it's being forced where somebody is making a hell of a lot more money and ports are restricted. Um, you know, government's paying out a lot of money to people to not work and forcing kind of the inflation of everything else economically so that somebody can line their pockets. What is your opinion on that?

Speaker 1:

The weekend? Um, we can everybody, right? We can, the response, we can, your financial things so that you're depending on the government, because if you're not dependent on the government, they cannot manipulate you, right? So they want a weak in you with, uh, you know, the foods are all poison. The vaccines everything's poison, right? If you're, if you want to get a vaccine, God bless you. Um, Americans have that, right? But all this stuff is designed to weak and you're weak and you, so you can't fight right. Then they take away what your money. You have no money, you have no influence, uh, on these social media platforms. So it's all planned part of the new world order. Uh, and, uh, it is what it is. There are supply chain issues, but interestingly on Hannity the other day, somebody sent me a picture and there was 20 foot long of four shelves. And on that top shelf only, they were all empty. There was bang four packs and all kinds of bag. It was incredible. And it was, and Hannity, we didn't pay him to put it on there. It was, he was just showing the supply chain issues. And so what we've done is I told my staff a long time ago, I sensed this happening because I also, since the, we can get into a war with China, I have nothing against China personally, but if we do right, uh, and three, four years ago, or if there's, uh, embargoes or all these different tariffs or everything we have to be, you know, we have to make sure that we don't make excuses, um, in our company it's solution and execution, we put the hand up in the face. Fair is it? And, and I don't want to hear your excuses, find a solution and execute upon that solution. And so we've done that in Phoenix, we produced 300,000 cases a day. And if you guys ever want to go out there and film that, or you're in Phoenix, or you want to fly out on the jet, let me know. But, and so by the end of the year, we'll be rolling our own aluminum inspired by my man over here, who loves steel we're heads in these big rolls of aluminum. And we already had the aluminum price and we're locked in. So we rolled the raw aluminum into cans, paint the cans and fill them in the same facility. Uh, and that's what we're untouchable. So all that manufacturing and all those challenges and supply chain, there is no with us. And this is the opportunity we got two days ago came because of remember every, every challenge like Tony Robbins says is an opportunity. So while everybody else is not filling the shelves, they're barren, I'm like, Hey, Kroger, guess what? We give, fill all those shelves. And we can fill them with new products and they go, are you serious? Like 300,000 cases a day I'm dead serious. And so literally within minutes, they committed to 250,000 cases that are escalated to 500. And then it's somewhere. Now, I think it's at 570,000 cases. That's initial one order to take up that shelf space, but that's one retailer. Everybody's out of the same product that I won't defame on here. Even though I would like to do, because they've bought, they've already killed themselves, right? They left open the shelf space. We're going to get in there. And when they come back, it's not going to be a pretty thing. And so, um, Kroger is second again, only to Walmart, they're an influencer. And once they make this move and they've already had, and everybody else sees it, the dominoes fall, breakthrough occurs gift from God, God, uh, you know, Farrah was coming after the Israelites, the sea opened up, the Israel, Israel lights got out and Pharos people drowned it. Well, God did the same thing for us. He cleared out every shelf space in America and said, here, here you go, my faithful and loyal servant. And that's how I look at myself. I don't want to say a cocky. I give all credit and glory to honor to God, but that that's not an accident that didn't happen by accident where every shelf space in America's cleared up. Oh, and here you can just have this shelf space because you're the only people that can produce product. You got to look at these big companies like Gatorade, Pepsi, Coke, they're out. They're at, they're asking us for cans. What you're, you don't have enough bottles to produce Gatorade and pal? Well, who's running your company. How dysfunctional are you that you don't have bottles? What Gatorade in any one album for four months? It's I mean, it's insane, but again, um, I, I always pray for breakthrough. I prayed for breakthrough for you calling and I declare that you want breakthrough. And when I prayed for that, look, this is breakthrough that happened literally within an hour, you do the presentation, oh, here, you could just have every shelf in America because these big retailers are embarrassed. They're losing money. There's people that are responsible for their category, their bonuses based off of that. And here we are, God's just given us that gift to fill it. And it's, it's, it is everything's super challenging, but we have that ability to act quickly. No monument was ever built with the committee and their weakness, all these big companies, weakness where the committee and the shareholders, the stockholders, the board, we have no board, baby. We make unilateral decisions and we make it out and don't ever get a board. The only board you have is the one you're cutting steel,

Speaker 4:

Right? Yeah. So I want to tell you about something that I've got in the works, and I haven't explained it to anybody see, or the first one. So, um, it's, it's it fixes a monumental problem in America. When you look at domestic suppliers, um, there's a massive issue between merchants and online store owners and, um, actual finding the products themselves. There's incredible manufacturers, but at the end of the day, if they don't know how to go to market, um, maybe they're patterned, uh, only on direct to consumer through retail stores, but they're not used to online presence. So I'm creating an app and it's called drop hook and drop hook will integrate directly with Shopify, big commerce, woo commerce, um, click funnels 2.0 when they launch in January of next year. And with one click product products from the product feed will be in their own in merchants websites. And, um, we only want it to be U S based products, menu, and like really trying to build back, you know, uh, president Biden's plan is build back better, but that hasn't started from my knowledge that, you know, it's only gotten worse in my opinion. Um, and it's been more challenging to find anything. So what we want, what I want to do is you've said it a hundred times, if not me, then who, if not me, that comes in and steps in and creates something to build the economy, to help domestic supply chain manufacturers sell products so that they can keep people employed instead of furloughing. Um, and it also helps, you know, a lot of drop ship companies are having to order from China, Ali express Alibaba. So if we can take that away from them and create a technology and IP, uh, behind this harness, it use the power of social influence, just like you're doing right now. Now we could interrupt. We could, we could go direct integration with fix and have where influencers can sell their own products directly monetizing through the app. And now it's also keeping manufacturing and the fulfillment arm within America and supporting us here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I, I would love to work with you on that one. That's, that's something that actually to that you understand way better than us. I don't even want us to understand it. I want to say Colin solution and execution can have done, but know that that's one of the areas where we're weak because people go, well, how can you have weak areas? How can you be weak on the website? I'm like, when you go from 70 million to three, where would we go to 720 to 1.2, 8 billion, 1.4, 8 billion. You have other issues fires to put out the website. Ain't one of them. And so websites also for us don't do well because 16 ounce drinks, they they're too heavy to ship. Right. So, uh, but, but again, yeah, we want to get with you with that are super excited. What we want to do is we want to become the chewy of the supplement industry and performance beverage, where we're shipping direct in that genre. We're not going to take out Amazon or anything crazy like that, but do a chewy, did where they cut out the pet food stuff. We want to do that with supplement and performance enhancing beverage. And call-in putting you on notice, you're in charge.

Speaker 4:

So I'm hired

Speaker 1:

No I'm dead serious because it's something where we're weak at. Uh, when we went to Pepsi, we were never even on Amazon, there were some, the number one selling thing on Amazon was a mixed case of that. It was people taking these damaged cases that people throw out when there's a leaker, getting out the cans, making a mixed case and selling it for$32, which is above retail. Banks sells for like two bucks. Each it's higher, but everybody was buying it. And then when we went into Pepsi, uh, just overnight, Amazon became our fourth largest account. They have 200 people that manage it and know all the games that Amazon plays with the buyback box and stuff that I didn't even do business on. I go, look, if you're going to play all these games and I'm going to break even, or lose money, like optimum sold 170 million in protein and lost 70 million from all the penalties. I mean, so, so Amazon smart, they went in the consumer wins and just, they just killed it, the, uh, you know, a supplier like anybody. And so, yeah, I w I definitely highly interested in that. And you, you got a great brain for that. That's one of your big strengths.

Speaker 4:

So let me ask you this, Jack, if, if I didn't have red line, um, and I was just an individual, I don't, you know, what would you ha would you hire me? And then the second question is what would be my role with bang energy?

Speaker 1:

You, I would definitely hire you and your role would be rolling swollen. You just want your role would be exactly what you just said. All these, all these different nuances and stuff that we don't understand marketing on fake fake book and stuff like that, where we're super advanced and social media and most dominant player of all time on Instagram. And then you look how that trickled over into tick dock with 15.4 billion. Did you look that up by the way, Is it 15, or did it go to 15 five yet

Speaker 4:

15 for right now,

Speaker 1:

Now 51. And, and, and so it's the, all the other digital stuff that we're super weak at that would definitely gladly put you in charge of it. I wouldn't know parts of that. Trust me. I like to focus on the science and, and, uh, and marketing, but not from that end,

Speaker 4:

When you launch your social platform, I would love to, to help you and to be a part of it and to help from, um, from that aspect, whether that's direct to consumer physical goods, websites, um, nurturing data, um, whatever I can do to be an asset, like I would love to be a hands extended. I think what you're doing on that side for that first amendment, right. Um, is critical. And if not, you then who, um, and I would love to just be an asset and kind of a hands extended, you know, uh, for, for you and your cause and everything else. So, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I appreciate that. I think too, it's, it's, um, one of the things when we do a social media app, Hey, we're, we're the most dominant players on there. I believe, I don't think anyone's close to us. Maybe there is, but we understand that we understand what the problems are and what everyone wants besides the obvious censorship and everything like that. That's a big thing too. And so we have some brilliant minds on board, but we need a lot more. And, uh, I mean, w we would love to make you part of the team calling no exaggeration whatsoever, a hundred percent serious. Cause I know we joke around a lot and caller gets a little jealous when I do more pull-ups than him.

Speaker 4:

You were out of breath though.

Speaker 1:

I just didn't want it. I'm not good at cardio. I admit, but, uh, no, I mean, super exciting. I have an idea too, but I don't want to, um, ask you here online. Um, but it, it has to do with steel. I don't know if that's still viable with the way that, uh, raw materials skyrocket in supply chain. It seems more of a frustration, but the good thing about you, you're very, um, you're, multitalented um, in, in critical areas and, uh, you know, you, sometimes God pushes you in a certain direction and what you thought you were supposed to Dean, uh, do what you shift. And, uh, it's like this order we got yesterday, it's not bad and it's 570,000 cases. So

Speaker 4:

That's, that's, that's what we had to do. We, we shifted from steals. Now we're selling about a hundred thousand shirts a month. Um, so it's, it's only, you know, and people think that, I think a lot of this has a lot of challenges that a lot of people, I think, can they get absorbed with like, okay, my product line is only, um, my name is red line steel people. Don't associate this with shirts, but listen to the market, the market's going to tell you what they want and what they don't want. And you can force it where if I'm having it. And we are, we're having a challenging time finding domestic, like in the United States, steel new Nucor, um, who we buy our steel from when the largest meals in America, um, you know, they get paid on tonnage. We buy thin gauge material. They don't want to run thin gauge. So we're already buying quarters in advance. So we're already into first Porter. Um, but I don't have enough steel on hand from a coil standpoint. So I'm having to buy coils from hell up in like Michigan and other states that I've never even had to interact with. And it's still domestic, but I'm having these type of challenges where I'm like, you know what, why don't we test aluminum? Why don't we test? Um, we want to get into like welcome mats. Why not shirts? You know? And, and we haven't had supply chain and even the inflation on that, isn't nearly as high we're over 408% on steel costs for the first time ever. Aluminum is cheaper than steel, mild steel. And that's crazy. I didn't expect that to happen, but it is, it forces you to be comfortable in the uncomfortable situation. And no matter what the world throws at you, you have to, like I said, in the army, drink water drive on. That's what we gotta do. We gotta drink some bang and drive on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. The other thing too, is this new aluminum, so cool. Like when you were in my gym and you saw those pieces by voice, like the pull-down bar and everything, it's just super lightweight. It's just gorgeous. And now they have a clear aluminum clear, and I want this clear aluminum on the front of my gym. And so it's just like, who would have thought you can make a clear aluminum. And so, yeah, just always being open to pivot. Like we've always pivoted at 28 years, man, there has been a numerous challenges, but other people in the industry couldn't pivot to the point where right now that whole industry imploded the Olympia was super small. And, uh, uh, the expo, it was still fun. We did it. It's kind of our roots, but, um, just nothing like it used to be, it just fell apart. GNC filed bankruptcy and all those people that depended on that rig system and GNC and everything that supplement companies and the paybacks and the kickbacks they're out of business that quick.

Speaker 4:

Where do you see yourself in five years, Jack?

Speaker 1:

One of the things I do look, I have enough money for a hundred lifetimes over. That's not what drives me. What drives me is, um, and I know it'll turn some viewers off or whatever, but my role is to advance the kingdom of God here on earth. That's what it is. And I don't lose sight of that. And it's, it's um, I think when you have a high, or I know it's often been said, if you have a higher calling like that, you'll be more successful, but what I don't, I don't need more money, money. Doesn't motivate me at all, giving people great products. Like we were talking to these scientists today, um, all these future innovations and patents and everything, and they everybody's come to them and their brother, but they want to do business with us. And that's what we want to do is just give people great product and switch this thing where everybody's so unhealthy and they're downtrodden and beaten and, and flip the script to give them health promoting drinks rather than health Robyn. If you look at like Pepsi, look at their products and Gatorade, it's all sugar. Then you look at Frito lay, they're killing people. Um, and they're, uh, them in Coker putting billions of pounds of plastic into the environment. Coke has put in 200,000 plastic bottles into the environment every minute. And then when they increased three to 4% in sales, what do you think happens? That amount goes up and then they'll, they'll outline some of these companies are outlined plans. Hey, in 2050, we're going to reduce plastic by 40%. No, you're not because you're making that declaration now, but everybody will be dead or forget that you made it. No, one's going to held you accountable and you're just going to use more and more plastic. But right now they can't get plastic. Uh, and petroleum is going through the roof and they're having a big problem. And my goal also is just for fun. I mean, if you play in the super bowl, right, you want to win is we want to be the biggest beverage company on planet earth. Um, very simply we use aluminum, it's recyclable 22 times a plastic bottle. Can't even be recycled once and do another plastic bottle. And, uh, again, every weakness they have a strength of ours and this new product coming out, super excited. But, uh, I, I want to tell you, truthfully though, calling you really, really motivate me what you're doing, your fresh mindset, um, your ability to pivot. Not many people can to be spontaneous, to respond to the market quickly. Um, you, you have a lot, a lot of talent and you're young. How old are you?

Speaker 4:

31, 32 August the third 32 in August. I forgot

Speaker 1:

Unbelievable that. Yeah. I mean, so you have a massive life ahead of you and, and you're brilliant. So this is really cool. Uh, I just, uh, I'm glad I inspired you, but I can tell you and you inspire me even more.

Speaker 4:

Thank you. That means the world. I got one last question. I could do this for a long time. You're such an, uh, motivating. Like I just feel like we feed off of each other. I believe in like, um, that law of attraction or energy promotes energy when you're stressed, more stressful will happen in your life when you're in a constant state of gratitude. Um, that also also happens more great stuff happens. And so I feel that like, we've, we've hung out several times every time. I just feel like a new uplifting. Um, I do want to say one last thing though, before my last question, two things, I guess I, uh, just to recap what you've done is incredible people over profit. That's what we say at red line. Like truly living by that, looking at it from the products that you want to put out to the marketplace. Is it good for them? Is it better than what's currently in place now looking at plastics and the decision, even though this could cost us more money on the front end, is it better for the environment looking at all of these different, um, what you believe in and vicariously God providing this to open? So many doors is truly what we envision as a business as well at red line is trying to put people over profit and, uh, in a world of capitalism, there's people that genuinely care, because like you said, it's not about the money I could pass away tomorrow and it's, you know, what's money then at that point. So, um, I, I, I guess that'll pivot to the last question, which is Jack. If you were to pass away tomorrow, what do you want to be remembered for?

Speaker 1:

I just, uh, you know, giving people great products that are health promoting rather than health robbing and the bigger picture is promoting and the advancement of the kingdom of God here on earth, everybody needs God. That's why the world's in such disarray. The more we try to take God away, the worse it gets and we, and we, and, uh, I always rely on God. Here's why it's real simple. Basically all of us are dumb, except you call him. But I rely a hundred percent on God. Like when you commit your life to Christ, right? You you say, Hey, you're now my Lord and savior. You're in the driver's seat. You sit on the throne. God doesn't share the throne. He's kicked me off the throne many times when I try to share it, it's like get out. Um, but, uh, God is why would you rely on your own? Decision-making when you maybe let's say you're right at life, 80% of the time. You're right, right. Let's give everybody God's all know, all know all powerful, almighty, all knowing means he's right. 100% of the time. That's why I rely on him to make all my decisions. Even the little decisions I had a pastor that says, say, when the light's green go, you're not going to pray at the light, but God wants to be involved in all this, uh, all situations. And then you, you make him the CEO and Lord and savior of your life. I'm not trying to save anybody here right now. Find smart people and they get saved. That's fine. But look, the Lord is CEO. And when he's in charge, your life is so much better. Your decision-making is, it could be right. A hundred percent of the time because God's making the decision. So even when you have something that's not successful, it's still the right decision because God's moving you into something bigger and super exciting. When you do that too. You're super relaxed. When you know, God's almighty, he's in control. He's everywhere. All, all one time you, you can relax, right? You don't have to do it on your own. Nobody knows the future. Everybody's tense with all the weird stuff going on in the world right now. But when you know, God's in control and we're just a little speck of dust in the universe, and here's this magnificent, almighty, all powerful, all knowing God, right? Who's everywhere all at one time, then your stress is just released. People go, how could you be in 68 lawsuits? I go very easy because God's fighting for me, fights your battles. And he wins every time. And, uh, and even if you lose it a lawsuit, all it is is God moving you towards a different direction. You don't worry about it. You don't sweat it. I know a lot of people can't handle that philosophy. They're anti-God or whatever. And that's all right, but I hopefully can at least inspire people to investigate and see if God is for them. If it's right, like if you're super stressed out and you're doing horrible in life and you're miserable, try God, what do you lose? I don't want to make this about God, but it just, it comes back to that no matter what,

Speaker 4:

What a mindset guys like holy. And I love it because it's no matter what happens, no matter what life throws at me, I have faith. And that faith is at a higher power. It's something that I believe in, even though I can't see it, touch it, feel it. I know it's there. If somebody were to one of your key executives walked away tomorrow, I felt competent that you wouldn't stress because God will provide when a massive lawsuit hits you or you're concerned about one of your largest retailers cuts you off, you know, God will provide. And on the flip side, knowing that type of, Hey, I don't have to worry. I don't have to worry because God didn't bring me this far just to take it away. And I have not went 28 years for this to happen for this ship to shut me down. It's not going to happen.

Speaker 1:

We'll complete what he started. Exactly the same for you. Uh, your, your faith is super inspiring. And I could see just like this, look on your face, that you're totally relaxed. You had this little smart, this little smile and you know, it's all under control and it's such a good feeling to have. You can sleep at night. You don't do anybody wrong. And you know, God's in control and you're extremely perceptive. And it's very refreshing to see somebody young like you. So a lot of young people growing up, just, gosh, they've been brainwashed and institutionalized and it's, it's kind of sad because there are, none of them are happy. You know, they have zero happiness in their life.

Speaker 4:

That's so true. Well, Jack, thank you so much for being on our show. Um, it's, it's an honor to have you here. Can't wait to hang out again. Hopefully have you at my mastermind, um, speak to some, I know you are a teacher, um, the way that you can encourage entrepreneurs and just uplift them, give them faith in what they're doing that inner, inner faith in themselves to continue to move the needle. So thank you for your time today and look forward to connecting again in person.

Speaker 1:

All right, God bless you. And I declare breakthrough over you and just, uh, uh, declare the God's blessings, chase you and your family and your business down all the days of your lives and do return it to God. Bless you. Call

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

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