Call in with Colin
In the simplest way, it’s a Q&A show meant to provide as much value to the viewers as possible. This is a way for Colin to give back to his community in the most scalable way. The show is meant to share direct one-to-one answers to questions on a wide range of topics. Participants will Call in virtually and have a one on one conversation with Colin.
Call in with Colin Topics:
- Entrepreneurship
- Email/SMS Marketing
- Goal Setting
- Mindset
- Leadership
- Cars
- Military
- Personal Branding
- Making Money Online
- PLUS pretty much anything else.
Colin is able to provide value based on a lifetime of building a successful "boot strapped 9 figure company, becoming a Staff Sergeant (E6) while serving in the US Military with 3 Combat Tours of Duty (Egypt, Iraq, and Afghanistan, becoming a successful Fitness Model with over 50+ Magazine Covers, among many others.
Call in with Colin
God Bless America - Uncensored with Colin Wayne: Episode 3
In this episode of Uncensored, I dive into the problems that we face as a nation. This episode is not for the sensitive! America needs you to use your voice and speak up, now more than ever. It's really hard to stay silent. Make sure to listen to the end, and share this episode with a friend.
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© 2021 UNCENSORED with Colin Wayne
Everywhere you go now hiring now, hiring now hiring sign on bonus for McDonald's$500. Like what? Yeah, of course they don't want to go work when they could make more sitting at the house. No, God bless America. This is absolutely insane. What we've done to ourselves. Let me just preface this podcast episode that this is not a political talk show. This is uncensored. This is me not holding back any information. This isn't, you know, lean to the left to the right. This is literally my opinion. And you can take it with a grain of salt. I really don't give a. So I'll just start with this. I think there's a lot of stupid people out there. I think there's a lot of stupid people that make me feel extremely smart. And a lot of people are going to be like, you know, that's really conceited. Well, you know, if you can look at what's happening in America today and just put blame and emphasis on certain aspects and not understand or comprehend what is actually taking place and fight it, it's ridiculous. It's like president Trump, you either love him or you hate him. There's really no, in-between one of the two, I'll say this economically. We were in an incredible state. Let's look at January of this year to where it is right now. And a lot of people are gonna be like, well, call him. You know, he was handed a bad hand. He doesn't even know his left hand from his right hand. First of all, and anybody that can honestly sit there and say, oh, he's, he's incredible. He's doing a amazing job. No, he's not get the outta here. You're an idiot. If you genuinely think that he's doing an exceptional job, then we might as well put me in office and see how the hell I do. I don't have any experience in this, but I sure as hell have a lot more comprehension knowledge than what's taking place. You know, I'm not trying to be a Dick, but at the end of the day, when you look at what's happening across America and what I fought for this country, it has went to and we did it to ourselves. We are letting this happen. It's absolutely madness. Let's pay people to sit at the, sit at the house, not do anything and just incentivize them and then wonder, oh, I wonder why we missed unemployment predictions. Well, no Sherlock. You drive around most cities and you know, you can't either everywhere you go now hiring now hiring now hiring sign on bonus for McDonald's$500. Like what? Yeah, of course they don't want to go work when they could make more sitting at the house. No, God bless America. This is absolutely insane. What we've done to ourselves. This is very simple. If I was in office, this is how it would work. You don't get a handout period, unless you're on some type of medical disability, that's it. You don't get, you don't get handouts. You want a handout. They'll work. It's that simple. You want something in life, go and do it own expect, you know, Hey, go to move somewhere else, go to Cuba. See how that works out. Move to a ship, moved to the middle east to see if there's any, um, you know, there's there's you have a high, uh, class and a low class. There's no, middle-class here. That's it people, and moan about every single thing. And we're doing this to ourselves. I'm going to and moan about it too, because this is ridiculous. How long is this going to happen? I'm looking at like, all right, what other countries are better than this one? Because it is literally, I don't see an end in sight. And, and, and like I said, we're doing this to ourselves and it starts with how everything is being regulated. It also starts with big tech and censorship. It starts with shadow banning. It starts with making sure that employees can get back the, then work. It starts with let's incentivize domestic supply chain and help small and medium sized businesses. What are we doing to support them? I mean, don't worry. I'll wait. I don't have a clue. Oh, we had a PPP program. Okay, great. How many people? Well, not everybody got to get it. Oh, he had two rounds. Yeah. And we paid for all con trillions of dollars of other random for the government to pass that, to begin with. This has gotten out of hand and it's madness. It's embarrassing. And I, I can't even believe I'm doing a show on this. It's ridiculous. There's a lot of people that make me feel extremely intelligent to the point where it's like, I'm questioning myself. Like, why isn't this common sense? Why don't we just put tariffs, more tariffs and taxes on stuff that's being shipped in. And let's incentivize manufacturing within the United States so that we can build a sustainable ecosystem right here. And an economy built. Let's get raw materials here as much stuff as we can do internally. Why not? Why aren't we funding for that instead of lining pockets on R and D for seashells and Calabasas. I mean, it's, it's absolutely madness what we actually spend money on based on what is actually needed. So this is, this is my challenge. You know, what do you do via voice for the voiceless? That's what you can do. There's a lot of people that won't take a stamp, don't be one of those stand up for what you believe in there's police officers, military and government officials and our government. I'm sorry, not officials, but employees that are getting fired for not taking a vaccine. Like This is what, this is what this has became. It's there right at the end of the day. If they don't want that, hell, it's up to them. Nobody should tell you how to do it when to do it and force it. Nobody, nobody has that power. Everybody is overstepping to that standard. Now I don't care what you believe in. I really honestly don't my opinion is my opinion. This is my podcast. You don't like it. Get off. This is uncensored. This is unacceptable. God bless America. Before God gets taken off. Even this show, we get censored for even saying God, just like, I'm sure this will get shadow banned for saying back sin. See on the next episode, thanks for listening to today's episode. If you got value from this, I would encourage you to leave us a five star review. It helps us spread the word of our show. Call on with Colin. Also connect with us on social media at colon Wayne one. If you tag us across social media with today's episode, screenshot this episode, post it and we'll be reposting it. Be sure to tune in. We'll see you on the next episode. Hey, I see you actually. No, I don't. I don't see you, but if you want to see us on video, go to our YouTube channel, Collin Wayne, search that, and you'll be able to see all of our episodes in video format, hop over and be sure to subscribe Collin Wayne in a search title.